Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Full Day, #11

It is officially a week since my last post. I had a very amusing and fun week! Full of smile, laugh and tears aswell. This week is also Lil R officially first playgroup class. Its been great, a full 2hours class. We join the Sophia Mundi Steiner School, their method and principal is just so wonderful. But Im still learning about the pro and con about this whole Steiner school VS mainstream school. As my background is brought up in private school from kinder thru University while my husband been brought up in Steiner education from Kinder thru high school (except uni), so there is a pro and con for me about this whole thing. But the main thing is I want the best education and enviroment for both Lil R and Lil J.
Besides that, my week went pretty quick it seems weird for me because I expect that days will be hard and long for me because of my mum and Lil J will go home to Indonesia soon. I will terribly terribly miss them a lot especially Little J (Little J been living with grandma the last two years and visiting melbourne twice a year for 3 months stay everytime she come). This house will be so much quieter when Lil J is gone for Indonesia.
This week we also had an unexpected trip to a dog expo, a friend of me pick up and offer to visit the expo and everyone had a good long day! We saw a lot of dogs (I'm a BIGGEST dog lover) and play with some of farm animals. nice sunny day too in melbourne on that day.

How adorable is he?

Today also a very productive day for me, took some pics for the shop and going to list them soon in the next two days. Had dinner with family and brother in-law also bought some magazines for my inspiration. I just cant believe how many baby/kids magazine nowadays. Back in three years ago, modern minimalism babies/kids fashion magazine are still a rare find! Will post some tommorrow from some interesting page in the magazine.
As usual, it is late here in Melbourne and we are one day ahead from the US so it is time for me to take off and saying

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