Monday, June 22, 2009

Superwoman ,#25

Im a Superwoman. Yes, sometimes I can't even think how I did all the house jobs plus taking care, entertaining 14 months old toddler, plus now a lil puppy. Without any help from family nor friends. As you know, my family lived overseas and my parents in-law live in the country side almost 2 hour drive from Melbourne so its almost impossible to visit once a week.
From washing to cooking to vacuum to sewing to ironing, everything is only me and my beautiful husband who do the work. I tried to have a cleaner that come for few hours every 2 weeks for a couple times but it just didn't work. Thank God husband is a kind of BIG helper and willing to take over my job when he is around the house. He never complain and always offer me help to do stuff like seriously anything! And Im glad he is happy to do those things. I feel a bit emotional the last few days, realizing how hard work He has done to help me overcome everything with Lil R. From encouraging me to go out every friday with my friends until helping me back into sewing when I feel not motivated. He is the sweetest man.

The last few days we've been spending time out and about in the city, catch up with friends, some shopping for us, hunting yummy desserts and enjoying the weather.
I had so much food and feel guilty now because I haven't cook for 3 days! Doh! We have a family ritual having meal at a restaurant once a week on the weekend followed by nice desserts somewhere but this week was 3 days eating out for dinner. Ah well, I guess we just have to enjoy life sometimes and food is one of my favourites!

How yummy is these food. Oh and this Yumcha, we went to the best one in town is in the middle of China Town called WestLake. And usually for lunch/dinner time you have to queue for at least 15 minutes if you don't have a reservation.
Ah well, better off before I get hungry myself. :)


Dinda Roesita said...

wulaann..ini aku...wwahh...kalo aku menganggap kamu adalah wonderwoman...hahhaa..

hebat2..tidak menyangka sekarang kamu banyak berubah lan..hehehe..

aku akan mencontoh neh kalo udah married nanti..hehehe..
enak terbiasa mandiri, tidak bergantung pada orang lain..

u do a good job..yang orang lain belom tentu bisa ngelakuinnya..

Love you..

Dinda Roesita said...

ini di add aja ya lan..account aku yang baru..

Wulandari Murphy said...

uuu Thank you din! yeah im proud of myself, sometimes i didnt realize it but you know i do everything bymyself here.
I will add you btw to your new address.
Love u too Dinn x